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  • Design Exercises to get your Creative Juices Flowing

    Like the human body, the creative mind should be exercised and trained daily or else it would get out of shape. Doing creative exercises will ensure that your brain remains sharp so you can keep doing your project effectively. A couple mini design projects that keep your creative juices flowing are Quote Typography, Sketching, Logo Design, and photo manipulation.

    Mini typography design exercise
    1. Choose a quote from the most recent movie/TV show you watched or the last book you’ve read.
    2. Allot a specific amount of time, say thirty minutes, and see how many ways you can design a quote typography study within the timeframe.
    3. Submit it to the respective fandom for profit.

    Mini sketching exercise
    1. Look for kindergarten monster doodles online.
    2. Create your own version of the monster.
    3. Use Photoshop to bring it to life.

    Mini logo design exercise
    1. Check crowdsourcing sites like Kickstarter for startup companies.
    2. Use their company and project summary as a client brief and sketch as many logo concepts as you can.
    3. State reasons how each logo could or couldn’t work.

    Mini photo manipulation exercise
    1. Subscribe to the Photoshop Battles subreddit. Here, users submit interesting photographs that you can manipulate to your heart’s content
    2. Use your Photoshop skills to create the most hilarious pic you could think of.

    3. Submit for that precious karma.


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