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  • Layout, Layout, Layout

    During these next steps of planning the design of a web site, I am going to emphasize the importance of layout. Layout is a major factor in web design. A great layout could make the difference between a user returning or leaving before they interact with a single thing. One tip for this process is to start on “paper” (Illustrator, Photoshop, Sketchbook Pro, or real paper). Every idea should go down in writing regardless of how “dumb” it sounds.
                   Web layout trends are changing at a steady rate and there are many layouts for each web site purpose. As a designer it should be your goal to push the best layout for your clients’ web site as you can. This means do your research, one of my favorite web design/ development sites for research is Web Designer Depot. You can find nearly anything that you would want to know about web design in one single web site.
                   So my recommendation is to start out with an initial layout design based on the web sites purpose (do your research). After the initial layout is done, create a site map. In your site map you are going to make sure you have a page for every bit of content and support that your client is going to provide. Make sure you refer to the list of content that the client has provided for you. As you go through the site map you may realize that certain things may be misplaced or you may have a better idea for the layout. Make those adjustments as you see fit, but keep the clients goals in mind.

    Next week we are going to be covering functionality, and the many options for user interaction that can be implemented to improve user experience. Feel free to comment and share work of your own. Be sure to tune in next weePlan the Design.
    k for the next section of


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